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Work With Us

  • Boolean Logix

    Let us open you up to a world of possibilities

We attract great people

Boolean Logix attracts great people because we do interesting things. Our company is our people, our employees.

We value our individual employees highly. You could be a cog in a wheel, but do you really want to be? No. That's why you are here at Boolean Logix.

We are growing quickly

We have grown every year and have the infrastructure already inplace for phenomenal future growth.

You will have mobility to move to new projects, places and specialties at Boolean Logix. Our customers know us by name, reputation, and trust us. We will arm you with where you want to go next.

We create the future

We are staffed with industry leaders in technology, Information Operations and serious gaming.

We hire bright people and give them the freedom to develop tools and techniques that are game changers. We give you the resources to be a revolutionary. Then we get out of your way.

We have fun

Lots of fun! We give ourselves room to take our minds off business long enough to recharge our batteries.

We support a variety of athletics - from intramural teams to Olympic-level athletes. We have a solid social calendar with parties, picnics, and professional games.

Learn more about our exceptional services and solutions!

Boolean Logix is a unique company

Boolean Logix, LLC is a veteran and minority-owned small business. Boolean Logix was founded in 2009 and is a consulting firm that specializes in strategy, management and security for information technology. We are located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

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Contact Us

We invite inquiries from prospective partners and employees, fellow technologists, and customers. Find out how our wealth of experience across our core competencies can assist you with your mission-oriented solutions.

We look forward to hearing from you. Once you contact us, please allow at least 24 hours for a response.

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